<static> ALT_NAME :String
Name of alt font. If empty, game will use main font.
- Source:
<static> ALT_PATH :String
Path to alt font. If empty, game will use main font.
- Source:
<static> CHAT_NAME :String
Name of alt font. If empty, game will use main font.
- Source:
<static> CHAT_PATH :String
Path to alt font. If empty, game will use main font.
- Source:
<static> IGNORE_SYSTEM_SCALE :Boolean
Whether fonts should ignore system scale. IMPORTANT: when true, fonts will not scale dynamically with view and instead will be fixed in size. This is usually ideal.
- Default Value:
- false
- Source:
<static> MAIN_NAME :String
Name of main font. If empty, game will not use a font.
- Default Value:
- font_04b03_white_8.png
- Source:
<static> MAIN_PATH :String
Path to main font. If empty, game will not use a font.
- Source:
<static> SCALE :Number
Scale that overrides system scale when ig.CONFIG.FONT.IGNORE_SYSTEM_SCALE is true.
- Default Value:
- 1
- Source:
<static> SCALE_MAX :Number
Maximum value of ig.Font#scale.
- Source:
<static> SCALE_MIN :Number
Minimum value of ig.Font#scale.
- Default Value:
- 1
- Source:
<static> SCALE_OF_SYSTEM_SCALE :Number
Scale of system scale.
- Default Value:
- 1
- Source: